22. September 2022Romani Migration: A Retro-History of the Romanian Roma Presence in France after the Second World War The seminar proposes to trace...22. September 2022
15. October 2022The Slovenian and Croatian Roma in Italy during the Fascist Regime and the Second World War: Internees, Deportees, and Refugees The...15. October 2022
16. November 2022The Fate of the Romani Minorities in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania during World War II: Genocide and Its Resonance Today The...16. November 2022
5. December 2022The Fortunoff Archive as Model of Grassroots Refugee/Survivor Archival Activism In 1979, a grassroots organization, the Holocaust Survivors Film Project, began...5. December 2022
8. December 2022Precarious and Hidden: Roma and Sinti Testimonies at the Fortunoff Video Archive The Seminar provides information about the Fortunoff Video Archive...8. December 2022
17. January 2023Romani Writing as An Intersection of Literature and Activism: Yugoslavia Before and After WWII Writing has always played a central role...17. January 2023
23. February 2023World War II and the Radicalization of Academic Antigypsyism in Sweden. A Case of Uppsala University's Researchers. Like many other European...23. February 2023
12. April 2023Polish, Lithuanian and Russian Roma Lives before and after World War II History and Roma Studies have pretty much neglected researching...12. April 2023
3. May 2023Romanian Roma Survivors' Recollections of 1942: Deportations to Transnistria. In this talk, I reflect on the deportation of Romanian Roma to...3. May 2023
15. May 2023Collecting the Scattered Knowledge. Towards an Encyclopaedia of the Nazi Genocide of the Sinti and Roma in Europe. The genocide of...15. May 2023