Our Partners

The Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies

The Uppsala Forum

Prague Forum for Romani Histories

Romani History Seminar hosts online discussions of unpublished texts on Romani Histories, such as dissertation chapters, draft papers, and book chapters. Our goal is to bring together specialists in Romani history and scholars from related fields to provide collective feedback on ongoing historiographical work. If you would like to submit your paper to the Romani History Seminar, please contact one of the organizers below.

Renata Berkyová (berkyova@usd.cas.cz)
Vita Zalar (vita.zalar@eui.eu)

The Rroma Foundation Zurich

The Rroma Foundation is a small Foundation based in Zurich, Switzerland. It was founded in 1993. Its main purpose is to counter stereotypes about Roma, promote integration and tolerance. It works with media, politicians, academics, and activists.

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